Senior Frontend Developer
Frontiers - RemoteAPRIL 2022 - PRESENT
At Frontiers I joined a team to build an app for research paper reviewers. Tinder-style app where the user could volunteer to review a paper just with a swipe. We've built it with Nuxt 2 and moved it to Nuxt 3 later. I was responsible for the main functionality (swiping), application design, maintanance, mentoring, and creation of automated e2e tests.
Skills:JavaScript · HTML5 · CSS3 · Vue.js · Tailwind CSS · Nuxt.js · Turborepo · GraphQL · Azure DevOps
Senior Frontend Developer
Codete - RemoteSEPTEMBER 2020 - APRIL 2022
I worked on a variety of web development projects using various technologies. In my first project, I built a site using Gatsby and Contentful as a CMS, which required a strong understanding of React and GraphQL. In my second project, I developed an app using Nuxt and Firebase, which involved implementing complex data models and integrating with third-party APIs. Lastly, I worked on several applications for Scandinavian energy companies using NextJS, where I was responsible for designing and implementing features, as well as ensuring the applications were scalable, maintainable, and performant. Throughout these projects, I demonstrated a deep understanding of web development best practices and was able to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams to deliver high-quality products on time and within budget.
Skills:Tailwind CSS · HTML5 · CSS3 · Vue.js · Content Management Systems (CMS) · Next.js · Nuxt.js · Firebase · GraphQL · JavaScript · React.js
Senior Frontend Developer
ProData Consult - RemoteFEBRUARY 2020 - AUGUST 2020
I was responsible for maintaining and rebuilding existing software that generates landing pages for several markets based on JSON files from inhouse CMS. We were using React, Redux, Storybook to build and maintain a design system for the landing pages. I introduced Lerna to manage our monorepo more efficiently.
Skills:HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6, React, Redux, Storybook, Lerna, JSON, Rest API, Kanban, i18n, GIT, Jira, Slack
Senior Frontend Developer
Lingohub - RemoteOCTOBER 2019 - DECEMBER 2019
I joined LigoHub for a short contract to build https://lingohub.com/ I used NuxtJS to statically generate the site, StoryBlok as CMS, and TailwindCSS for layouts. I was the only developer in the project working along with the designer. The main issue I had was to move over 300 blog posts from the old site to StoryBlok, I wrote a Node script to help me with that.
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6, Nuxt, StoryBlok, Tailwind, Rest API, Wordpress, Node, GIT, Webpack, Slack, GitHub
Frontend Developer
SamKnows - LondonMARCH 2018 - AUGUST 2019
When I got this amazing opportunity to work with SamKnows and I couldn't say no. I joined the frontend team where I was responsible for maintaining the codebase and developing new features of samknows.one. After some time we've split into functional teams and I got into the marketing team where I had to build new samknows.com from ground up. Stack I choose was Vue.js with SSR Node app and prismic.io as CMS. Besides that I had to build sites for our government projects, like Measuring Broadband Canada
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6, Vue, Node.JS - Express, Vuex, Prismic, SASS, Webpack, GIT, Bootstrap, JIRA, Slack, Sketch
Frontend Developer
Bitbar - WrocławOCTOBER 2016 - OCTOBER 2017
I joined Bitbar to rewrite the UI of their main project and remove technical debt. It was written in CoffeeScript with jQuery and loading time was huge. I have joined a large team that was split into frontend, backend, QA, Dev OPS and OPS teams. My first achievement was speeding up the frontend build process. They used Maven before and build time was over 2min. By using Gulp.js with caching I managed to get build times under 100ms. Next I introduced linting, which caught over 40k linting errors over old codebase. Then we decided to move our app to Vue.js , because it was light, fast and we could go it gradually, view by view. After we've built the process to rewrite the app and rewrote main parts I moved on to pursue my dream of remote job.
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6, Vue, LESS/SASS, CoffeeScript, Bootstrap, jQuery, Gulp, JSON APIs, GIT, JIRA, Slack
IT System specialist
Cross sp. z o.o. - OpoleMARCH 2015 - OCTOBER 2016
Under this mysterious title is hidden a mix of business analyst and software tester. I have joined a large team split into functional teams. I was responsible for gathering the requirements from our clients. Presenting them to our developers. Testing the software developers produced. Deploying the software. Writing and maintaining documentation and training materials.
MS Office, MS SQL databases, Skype
Bachelor of Computer Science
Opole University of TechnologySkills
Base: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, GraphQL client, RESTful APIs, GIT
Frameworks & libraries: Vue, React, Svelte, Nuxt, Next.js, Sapper, Node.js, Express, jQuery
CSS Frameworks & tools: SASS, LESS, PostCSS, Tailwind, Bootstrap, Vuetify, Bulma, Material design
Bundlers: Webpack, Vite, Gulp, Rollup
Soft skills Great team player, asynchronous communication, agile development process
Other: Emmet, Prettier, ESLint, VSCode, Netlify, Turborepo
Polish - native
English - proficient (C2)